The WHS Baseball Boosters is a non-profit volunteer organization composed of parents who work cooperatively with coaches, staff, parents, and the athletic department who are interested in supporting the Wellington High School baseball program. We provide overall direction and adequate financial resources necessary to support the High School baseball program and facilities.  Our mission is to raise funds to enhance and expand the baseball program, support the athletes, their coaches, and the administration in order to allow the Wellington High School baseball teams to achieve their full potential.


WHS Baseball Boosters, LLC is a non-profit corporation organized under the laws of the State of Colorado. As a pending 501(3)(c) organization, the WHS Baseball Boosters shall comply with federal tax law to maintain its tax-exempt status.


The WHS Baseball Boosters is a non-profit volunteer organization composed of parents who work cooperatively with coaches, staff, parents, and the athletic department who are interested in supporting the Wellington High School baseball program. We provide overall direction and adequate financial resources necessary to support the high school baseball program and facilities.  Our mission is to raise funds to enhance and expand the baseball program, support the athletes, their coaches, and the administration in order to allow the Wellington High School Baseball teams to achieve their full potential. While the WHS Baseball Boosters is organized exclusively to support the Wellington High School baseball teams, it is a separate entity from Wellington High School and the baseball program.


a. Active membership is any parent or legal guardian of a Wellington High School baseball team member for the current school year.  Membership is open to all Varsity, Junior Varsity, Sophomore, and Freshmen team parents/guardians.  To be a voting member, one needs to attend three meetings, within the current calendar year before earning voting rights.  To maintain voting rights, members need to attend at least seventy-five (75%) percent of scheduled meetings for the year. 

b. Honorary membership shall be granted to any such person who is not a parent or guardian of a player for the year being planned. Honorary members shall not be allowed to vote or hold office but may have responsibilities that promote the organization. 


a. WHS Baseball Boosters will hold general membership meetings as such time and place as shall be determined by the Board.  General membership meetings shall be held at least once per month. The date, times and place of the Board meeting shall be set by quorum vote of the Board.  A quorum shall be three-fourths (3/4) of the current Board.

b. WHS Baseball Boosters will make every effort to attempt to provide 5 days’ notice for membership meetings.  Notices of meetings will be distributed via email and may appear on the website calendar.

c. Minutes shall be taken at all meetings and be made available to any active member, upon request.

d. A majority vote of present members and officers is all that is needed to pass any motion that has been properly submitted.


a. Requests for funds need to be submitted using the WHS Baseball Boosters’ Funding Request Form.  The form will be available on the WHS Baseball Booster website and needs to be submitted five days prior to the following board meeting.  The Board shall be responsible and must approve all Fund Request Forms with a majority vote.

b. A budget shall be presented to the Board no later than June of each year for approval.  Change to an approved budget may only be made by a majority vote of active members.

c. To maintain transparency, members can ask for copies of WHS Baseball Boosters’ financial reports.

d. Dues for WHS Baseball Boosters Membership shall be set by the Board of Officers and are due upon team rosters being set in the Spring.  Fees of $100 per player will be used for team dinners, away game meals, end of year banquet, coaches’ gifts, and anything else deemed necessary by the Board of Officers.


a. The minimum number of required Officers on the Board is Director, President, Vice-President, Secretary, Co-Treasurers[1] and Marketing Executive.  All Officers on the Board shall have an equal vote.

b. The Officers shall be nominated from the members in good standing of the WHS Baseball Boosters and elected by the members. The Officers must be a parent or legal guardian of WHS baseball team member. The office of President does require 1 year experience as a previous Board Officer.

c. The officers shall initially hold office for two (2) year term, unless removed sooner through either voluntary resignation or otherwise disqualified. Thereafter, the terms shall be a one (1) year rolling term if the officer is re-elected to the same position.  Officers may be re-elected to the same position, voted on by the majority.

d. Resignation of an Officer position shall be submitted in writing to the Board of Officers.

e. Officers can be removed from office by a majority vote of those present and eligible voters at a regularly scheduled meeting or at a meeting called for that purpose.

f. The President shall preside over regularly scheduled meetings of the Board and General Membership.  The President shall coordinate WHS Baseball Boosters activities with the Wellington High School administration and the baseball coaches. The President shall facilitate and engage in other activities as necessary for the Boosters needs.

g. The Vice President, in the absence of the President shall assume the duties of the President and, in the absence of the Treasurer, shall assume the duties of the Treasurer.  The Vice-President will monitor the WHS Baseball Boosters email and route emails as appropriate. The Vice President shall also perform such other duties as usually pertain to that office or as may be designated by the Board.

h. The Co-Treasurers shall receive all funds paid to the WHS Baseball Boosters, deposit same in the official depository and disburse the same on order of the Board. The Co-Treasurers will also keep records of fees, papers, records, documents and maintain official correspondence. The Co-Treasurers shall reconcile bank statements monthly. All Officers will be recognized as authorized signatures. The Co-Treasurers should make a financial report at WHS Baseball Boosters meetings and at such other times as the Board of WHS Baseball Boosters may request. The Co-Treasurers, with the assistance of the Board, shall develop an annual budget. The Co-Treasurers shall work in unison for the betterment of the WHS Baseball Booster. 

i. The Secretary shall maintain a record of proceedings of all meetings, keep records of membership and attendance, papers, records, documents and maintain official correspondence. The Secretary shall submit a report at WHS Baseball Boosters meetings, and at such other times as the President or Board may require.  The Secretary shall email meeting notices to active members.

j. The Director is the registered agent of the WHS Baseball Boosters and shall file annual reports with the Secretary of State.  The Director will ensure that the WHS Baseball Boosters follows and is in compliance with 501(c)(3), State of Colorado and IRS guidelines.  The Director will ensure the Bylaws are adhered to and will collaborate with the Treasurer in consulting with an accountant for tax purposes.

k. The Marketing Executive is responsible for maintaining the WHS Baseball Boosters’ domain and website.  The Marketing Executive will organize and design posters, flyers, programs, etc. as needed.


a. Election of the Officers shall be held at the annual meeting, which will be publicized at least thirty (30) days prior to the day of the meeting and held no later than 30 days after the end of WHS Baseball spring season. A vote will be taken from eligible voting members present at that meeting. The Officers’ terms shall begin immediately following the elections.

b. Active members, in good standing will be eligible to vote. Good standing is defined by all dues and payments (if any) of the member is up to date and paid.

c. In case of a vacancy in the office of the President, the Vice President shall assume the duties of the President for the remainder of the term. A vacancy in the offices of Vice President, Treasurer or Secretary shall be filled by a vote of WHS Baseball Boosters members at a general membership meeting.

d. In the event of a vote, the nominee must receive majority votes.


a. These bylaws may be altered, amended, or changed and new ones adopted by a majority vote of WHS Baseball Boosters Members in good standing at a meeting called for that purpose.


a. WHS Baseball Boosters may be dissolved with previous notice and a majority vote by eligible members present at a meeting in accordance with state law.

b. Upon dissolution of WHS Baseball Boosters, any remaining funds shall be used to pay any outstanding debt.  The remaining funds, if any shall be used for the benefit of WHS baseball program as approved by voting members.


Adopted 3/1/2024.

Thank you, Sponsors!


Join other baseball parents as we gear up for the year, specifically as we plan for the annual Cornhole Tournament happening in October. We're meeting tomorrow night (Wednesday, 8/28) at 6pm in The Nest at the school. Hope to see you there! #eaglesbaseball #boostermeeting #comeonecomeall
Calling all 9th-12th graders interested in playing baseball this spring! Join Coach Thomas on the varsity field after school on Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays for open workouts. Don't forget your gear! #openworkouts #eaglesbaseball #seeyououtthere
We're holding tryouts for next summer's (Summer 2025) baseball program. These tryouts are open to all players going into 9th-12th grade in the Fall of 2025. *cough* Looking at you, this year's 8th graders. 

Parents - Join us for an informational meeting regarding next summer's ball program on Tuesday, 8/6 @ 6pm at WHS baseball fields.

Players - We'll see you at 3pm on Saturday, 8/17 at the WHS baseball fields. 

If you have any questions, please reach out to Coach @tblehmy7 or Coach Fox. See you all soon! 
#summerball #eaglesbaseball
New school year = new spirit gear. Check out the new swag store, and make sure you're ready to show your Eagle pride. #eaglesbaseball #smalltownbigpride #thisisourhouse #fundraiser #linkinprofile
Wishing everyone a happy (and safe) 4th of July! 🦅 #staysafeoutthere #eaglesbaseball #independenceday


WHS Baseball Boosters

3823 Mount Baker Street

Wellington, CO 08549


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 © 2023 WHS Baseball Boosters • All rights reserved.
WHS Baseball Boosters are a non-profit organization.